早前與 Katherine 到台北旅遊,期間專程地到位於民生東路民生公園旁的著名風梨酥店,為的是買點酥餅給家人作手信。甫進店門,溫柔的店員已催前來問我門要否先喝杯茶,還給我們找了一個舒適的位子休息,而奉上的更不只是茶,而是一杯香茶及一客酥餅。她沒有關心我們是否會來買東西,只是讓我們品嚐他們的出產,而店內更沒有太多商業氣氛。我跟 Katherine 說,若不是要來買手信,其實我們吃過了便可以走,一分錢也不用花,廷便宜的!
以色列歌手 Yonatan Razel,在過去某年的獨立日,在家中與家人一起看煙火匯演時,他當時四歲的女兒 Rebecca 從天台跌下受了重傷,之後經漫過長的禱告和治療過程,最終她得到醫治康復過來。因此 Yonatan Razel 寫了一首希伯來詩歌 Katonti (I AM NOT WORTHY),來表達他在困苦中呼求神,和神如何慈愛地救助了他的經歷,傳頌神賜予他這完全不配得的恩典和福氣。
Katonti (קָטֹנְתִּי) 是希伯來文,意思是 “I AM NOT WORTHY”(我一點也不配得),而歌詞則取自聖經創世記32章10節(另取11節頭兩個字:救我)及詩篇86篇13節兩節經文。
我自覺在神面前只是一個蒙恩的罪人,並不配得衪的一切恩惠,但偏偏衪卻如此恩待我。每每當我想到我所蒙受的恩典時,我都感到自卑,因我沒有為神做過甚麼,我都只在白白蒙受恩典;另一方面,我仍然有軟弱,會犯罪得罪神,令衪失望。所以當我在聆聽和學唱這首詩歌時,不只在享受那優美的旋律,直接從聖經而出的歌詞更讓我觸動,每當唱到 “Hatzileni na, hatzileni na, hatzileni na”(求你救我⋯⋯求你救我⋯⋯求你救我⋯⋯)時,我都感觸流淚,因在神面前我只是一個無力自救的罪人,衪卻竟如此愛我,其實“我一點也不配得”。
Katonti mikol hachasadim
umikol ha’emet
asher asita et avdecha X4
(I am not worthy of all the mercies,
and of all the truth,
which Thou hast shown unto Thy servant;)
Ki vemakli
avarti et hayarden
ata hayiti lishnei machanot
Hatzileni na
hatzileni na
hatzileni na X2
(For with my staff
I passed over this Jordan;
and now I am become two camps.
Deliver me, I pray Thee
deliver me, I pray Thee
deliver me, I pray Thee)
Katonti mikol hachasadim
umikol ha’emet
asher asita et avdecha X4
(I am not worthy of all the mercies,
and of all the truth,
which Thou hast shown unto Thy servant;)
Ki vemakli
avarti et hayarden
ata hayiti lishnei machanot
Hatzileni na
hatzileni na
hatzileni na X2
(For with my staff
I passed over this Jordan;
and now I am become two camps.
Deliver me, I pray Thee
deliver me, I pray Thee
deliver me, I pray Thee)
Ki chasdecha gadol alai
vehitzalta nafshi mish’ol tach’teiha
(For Thy mercy toward me is great
and Thou hast delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol)
Ki vemakli
avarti et hayarden
ata hayiti lishnei machanot
Hatzileni na
hatzileni na
hatzileni na X2
(For with my staff
I passed over this Jordan;
and now I am become two camps.
Deliver me, I pray Thee
deliver me, I pray Thee
deliver me, I pray Thee)
Katonti mikol hachasadim
umikol ha’emet
(I am not worthy of all the mercies,
and of all the truth,
which Thou hast shown unto Thy servant;
The truth……)